Abstract Paintings

My abstract paintings blend various textures and materials to embody the spirit of creativity. Each artwork offers a tactile experience, integrating elements like nylon, sand, and paint to build depth and intrigue. These pieces invite viewers to delve into their intricate layers and uncover the stories woven within, making each exploration a unique journey of discovery.

Over It

Mixed Media on Canvas,
30'' * 19''

"Over It" is a bold and expressive piece that captures the raw, unfiltered emotions of release and letting go. The artwork features broad, sweeping strokes of beige and white, creating a dynamic and textured surface. The use of mixed media adds depth and dimension, with hints of black and natural elements embedded within the composition. The abstract forms and stark contrasts suggest a sense of movement and urgency, conveying the process of moving past obstacles and emotional burdens.

The rough, tactile quality of the painting reflects the visceral experience of overcoming challenges and reaching a point of resolution. "Over It" speaks to the power of catharsis and the freedom that comes with shedding what no longer serves us. This piece invites viewers to connect with their own experiences of release and to find strength in the act of letting


Mixed Media on Canvas,
30'' * 19''

"Playground" is an exuberant and whimsical piece that captures the joy and spontaneity of childhood play. The canvas is a lively dance of colors and forms, with splashes of teal, yellow, red, and black creating a dynamic, almost musical rhythm. Abstract shapes and playful lines suggest movement and interaction, evoking the carefree spirit of a playground.

The scattered dots and brushstrokes invite the viewer to explore the canvas, much like children exploring a playground, discovering new elements and surprises with each glance. The composition is both chaotic and harmonious, reflecting the unpredictable yet delightful nature of play. "Playground" encourages viewers to reconnect with their inner child, celebrating the simple pleasures of creativity and freedom.


Mixed Media on Canvas,
36'' * 16''

"Memo" is a minimalist and thought-provoking piece that explores themes of communication and presence. Dominated by a serene palette of whites and blues, the painting features abstract forms and subtle textures that invite contemplation. A prominent vertical streak of blue intersects the canvas, drawing the viewer's eye and suggesting a flow of information or a line of thought.

On the right side of the canvas, a ghostly, abstract shape reminiscent of a human profile appears, its subtle features evoking a sense of presence and introspection. The interplay of light and shadow within the form creates depth and complexity, while the scattered dots and lines add a sense of movement and dynamism.

"Memo" invites viewers to reflect on the fragments of communication that shape our experiences, encouraging a deeper understanding of how we connect with ourselves and others. This piece is a reminder of the delicate and intricate nature of our thoughts and interactions, captured in a moment of quiet introspection.


Mixed Media on Canvas,
30'' * 19''

"Sol" is a radiant and dynamic piece that captures the powerful energy of the sun. The painting is dominated by a vibrant red and pink circular form, representing the sun's intense heat and light. The swirling, textured brushstrokes within the circle convey a sense of movement and vitality, suggesting the constant, fiery activity at the sun’s core.

The background features a mix of cool blues and greens, providing a striking contrast that highlights the central sun motif. This juxtaposition emphasizes the sun's role as a life-giving force, standing out against the cooler, more subdued colors surrounding it. The interplay of warm and cool tones creates a balanced composition that draws the viewer's eye and invites contemplation.

"Sol" celebrates the sun's central place in our universe, both as a source of physical warmth and a symbol of inspiration and creativity. This piece invites viewers to feel the sun's energy and light, encouraging a deeper connection to the natural world.


Acrylic on Canvas,
20'' * 16''

"Speak" is a vibrant and emotive abstract piece that explores the power and complexity of communication. The canvas is alive with a rich tapestry of colors, ranging from deep blues and greens to warm reds and pinks. These hues intermingle and clash, creating a dynamic and intense visual experience. Bold, expressive brushstrokes and geometric forms intersect across the canvas, symbolizing the varied and multifaceted nature of dialogue.

The central area of the painting is dominated by a burst of pink and white, suggesting a moment of clarity or revelation amidst the swirling chaos. Surrounding this focal point, streaks of yellow and green cut through the composition, representing the channels and pathways through which messages travel. The abstract forms and energetic movement convey a sense of urgency and passion, reflecting the emotional weight of words and the impact they can have.

"Speak" invites viewers to consider the power of their own voice and the importance of expression. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity inherent in the act of communication, encouraging a deeper appreciation for the connections we forge through speech and interaction.


Mixed Media on Canvas,
20'' * 16''

"Feminine" is a delicate and ethereal abstract piece that celebrates the essence and complexity of femininity. The painting is characterized by a soft, pastel palette of purples, yellows, and blues, creating a dreamy and serene atmosphere. Gentle, swirling brushstrokes and subtle textures evoke a sense of fluidity and grace, capturing the multifaceted nature of the feminine spirit.

At the heart of the composition, a circular form suggests unity and wholeness, symbolizing the inclusive and nurturing aspects of femininity. The interplay of light and shadow within the painting adds depth and dimension, inviting viewers to explore the layers and nuances that define the feminine experience.

"Feminine" encourages contemplation and appreciation of the qualities that embody femininity, such as strength, sensitivity, and resilience. This piece serves as a tribute to the beauty and power inherent in the feminine, inviting viewers to connect with and celebrate these qualities within themselves and the world around them.

The Bird

Mixed Media on Wood,
30'' * 30''

"The Bird" is a captivating piece that blends abstraction with subtle figuration to evoke a sense of mystery and contemplation. The painting features a blend of muted and vibrant colors that create a rich, textured surface. Soft washes of purples, pinks, and blues intermingle with hints of yellow and green, forming an ethereal background.

Amidst the abstract composition, a bird-like form emerges, delicately suggested through the interplay of color and texture. This subtle depiction invites viewers to pause and engage with the painting, discovering the hidden figure within the layers of paint. The bird, a symbol of freedom and transcendence, adds a layer of meaning and intrigue to the artwork.

"The Bird" encourages viewers to explore the depths of their imagination and find personal connections within the abstract forms. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and mystery that can be found in the everyday, inviting us to look closer and appreciate the details that often go unnoticed.


Mixed Media on Wood,
30'' * 30'

"Movement" is an evocative abstract piece that captures the fluidity and dynamism of nature. The painting features a delicate interplay of soft, muted colors, with shades of blue, purple, green, and hints of pink creating a harmonious and serene composition. The textured surface adds depth and dimension, suggesting the ever-changing patterns of light and shadow.

The gentle brushstrokes and layered textures convey a sense of continuous motion, as if capturing a moment of natural beauty in flux. The blending of colors and forms creates an impression of a landscape subtly shifting and evolving, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the tranquil yet dynamic scene.


Mixed Media on Wood,
30'' * 30''

"Serenity" is a calming and meditative piece that captures the tranquil essence of a seascape. The painting features a soothing palette of soft blues, greens, and gentle hints of orange, blending seamlessly to evoke the peaceful interplay of sea and sky. The subtle, layered textures create a sense of depth and movement, reminiscent of gentle waves lapping against the shore.

The composition is balanced and harmonious, with the serene expanse of water meeting the calm horizon. The delicate brushstrokes and soft transitions between colors suggest a moment of quiet reflection, inviting viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the soothing atmosphere.


Mixed Media on Wood,
30'' * 30''

"Morning" is a serene and contemplative piece that captures the quiet beauty of dawn. The painting features a minimalist composition with a gentle, horizontal division between the sky and water. Soft hues of yellow and white dominate the upper half, suggesting the first light of day breaking through the sky. Below, shades of blue blend together, reflecting the calm surface of the water and the coolness of early morning.

The textured brushstrokes add depth and subtle movement, evoking the stillness and tranquility of a new day. The simplicity and balance of the composition create a sense of harmony and peace, inviting viewers to pause and appreciate the quiet moments of morning.


Mixed Media on Canvas,
30'' * 19''

"Target" is a bold and dynamic abstract piece that explores themes of focus, direction, and intention. The painting is characterized by energetic brushstrokes and vibrant colors, with a striking red circle dominating the composition. This central motif suggests a target or point of convergence, drawing the viewer's eye and symbolizing a sense of aim or purpose.

The interplay of black, red, and varied pastel hues creates a sense of movement and depth, while the overlapping lines and shapes add complexity and intrigue. The textured background, with its splashes of color and layers, evokes a feeling of chaos and order coexisting, reflecting the multifaceted nature of striving towards a goal.

"Target" invites viewers to contemplate their own objectives and the paths they take to achieve them. This piece serves as a visual metaphor for determination and focus, encouraging reflection on the balance between chaos and clarity in the pursuit of one's aims.

On The Move

Mixed Media on Canvas,
36'' * 16''

"On the Move" is an energetic and dynamic abstract piece that encapsulates the essence of motion and transformation. The painting features a vibrant blend of colors and textures, with bold strokes of purples, blues, and golds intermingling to create a sense of fluidity and momentum. The composition is dominated by sweeping arcs and lines, suggesting pathways and trajectories that guide the viewer's eye across the canvas.

The interplay of textures and colors evokes a feeling of continuous movement, as if capturing a moment in the flux of change. Drips and splatters of paint add a raw, spontaneous quality, enhancing the sense of immediacy and action. The use of mixed media elements contributes to the layered complexity of the piece, inviting viewers to explore the depth and intricacy of its design.

"On the Move" encourages viewers to embrace the ever-changing nature of life, celebrating the excitement and unpredictability of movement. This piece serves as a visual reminder of the beauty found in progress and transition, inspiring a sense of curiosity and adventure.